

  • a: Senior >60
    All seniors above the age of 60
  • b: Spouse of Senior >60
  • c: Accompanied Guests – $15.00

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Senior Spring Feast 2017

Indian Circle for Caring USA Inc. (ICC) will be presenting “Health Care Proxy and Living Will” workshop.

Key highlights: Five Wishes document provides an easy way to express your decisions about:

•  The person you want to make Care Decisions when I can’t – (Health Care Proxy)

• The kind of Medical Treatment you may or may not want to receive (Living Will)

• Three additional aspects you share with your family and health care proxy.

For more details, download: Five Wishes handout.doc

Speaker: Girish A. Mehta, Founder & Executive. Director, Indian Circle for Caring USA Inc., (ICC) web: www.ouricc.org (Mr. Mehta has conducted HCP workshops in over sixty (60) locations in fourteen states in the USA).

When: May 20, 2017, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Location: Mahatma Gandhi Cultural Center, Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church, 70 Jefferson Street, Providence, RI 02908

About IARI

The India Association of Rhode Island (IARI) is a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious organization that strives to represent the various issues concerning a growing Asian-Indian community in the State of Rhode Island.

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