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The India Association of Rhode Island (IARI) is a non-profit, non-political, and non-religious organization that strives to represent the various issues concerning a growing Asian-Indian community in the State of Rhode Island.

IARI has formed over 49 years ago, and today serves over 3000 families of Indian origin living in Rhode Island and in the surrounding communities. However, membership is not limited to those of Indian origin but is open to anyone interested in the social and cultural heritage of India.

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IARI’s Mission Statement

To form a common bond among the people of Indian origin living in Rhode Island; to preserve, foster and honor the diverse social, cultural, and educational heritage of India in Rhode Island especially in the younger generation; and to promote the same in the mainstream American society so as to enhance mutual understanding and goodwill between the Indo-American community and mainstream American society.” 

Towards that end, IARI organizes social and cultural events during the year, which showcase the heritage of India, whether in arts, music, dance, festivals, yoga, or on important events such as the Independence Day of India on August 15th. IARI also engages in fund-raising and participates in charities for the benefit of the people of Rhode Island and India.

A new initiative of the IARI is the creation of the Mahatma Gandhi Cultural Center in Rhode Island. The purpose of the Center is to promote the Gandhian values of peace, tolerance, and non-violence, in addition to offering a structured environment for the learning of Indian dance, music, and art.


Independently incorporated in 1980, the organization’s main goal has been to provide an authentic and sincere image of India and its culture to our fellow citizens in Rhode Island. We strive to: Be an organization that promotes the cultural, social and educational aspects of India through the advancement and appreciation of our Indian-Asian community. Provide a common platform for people interested in India and it’s culture to come together in the State of Rhode Island. Promote social, educational, and cultural programs that enable the younger generation in our community to understand their heritage and continue our traditions. Serve as a non-profit organization that aims to help not only our members but also the surrounding community in Rhode Island. Cultivate understanding and harmony between our Indo-American community and the global Rhode Island community.

    IARI can be contacted with all questions or queries at the following addresses:

    Mail Address

    India Association of Rhode Island (IARI)
    PO Box 41557, Providence, RI 02940





    Tax ID
    # 05-0464385

    Contact Information 


    IARI, PO BOX 41557, Providence, RI 02940


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